The Social Media Diet

Posted: July 23, 2013 in Uncategorized

Every one of us seeks to have a private moment. A solitary person myself, I want a different kind solitude, something not just inside the confines of a room. When you are outside, you’ll never know what kind of adventure you can experience. I would ideally buy a yacht for sale in the Philippines and cruise the Palawan waters for a chance at a rare getaway. Hey, dreaming is for fools—er—for free, might as well be extravagant, right?

But seeking solitude is difficult nowadays because of social media. The root problem is most of us can’t tear away from our mobile devices—a tweet there, a selfie here—some people do it religiously. Even if you’re in a vacation you bring your digital camera, some of which are now wifi-enabled, and upload your picture-perfect moments for the world to know where you are in real-time.

There is no harm in trying a day of total solitude away from those electronic temptations, right? Will it be beneficial for you? Certainly. You can reconnect to the real world again, detached from the cyber world where only you and your tablet exist. You can do other seemingly menial things like walking your dog or exercising; things you might have stopped doing from being hooked to social networking sites. You can also make stronger and tangible connections in a more personal way by not just clicking a button to add real people as virtual friend.

Why am I so adamant at promoting this? I am proud to say that I am not a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram user. Once upon a time I had this Friendster but I closed it already, not to mention Friendster has been obsolete many eons ago. I survived without the cyber network and do not plan on joining one ever again. Maybe I’m just too lazy prick to maintain a Facebook account but to me, it’s a stressor thanks to the bashers who are ready to turn your day sour. You can just shrug my opinion off easy but I still stand by my no-to-social-media principle unless it is a life and death situation.

Now let me ask you this, are you in for a 30-day social media diet? Dare yourself and anticipate the positive outcome you could gain from it.







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